Wow! Well the last several days of this journey have been a
great story. The last time I wrote I told of my opportunity to visit the family
in Sicily and I am still floored by that story. I feel as though I’ve retold it
countless times, and it is still thrilling!
After returning to
Catania, Sicily I took a night train to Napoli where I was able to get “La
Feccia Rossa”, the fast train, to Milan. My plan was to grab the soonest train
leaving for Zurich, Switzerland. It was there I planning on meeting up with
Laura and Darryl. I had the opportunity to meet Laura while in Zambia and share
several things about the Lord with her. She invited me to come and visit so
that I would see her church and meet her boyfriend, Oh and of course visit the
Alps! I arrived last Friday night to a chilly Swiss night, and I was excited. A new
country and new adventure had now begun. Laura eventually was able to find me
at the train station and we made our way through the dark streets to her
apartment. I was graciously offered a delicious meal and an extremely
comfortable couch to crash on, both of which I gratefully accepted. After
meeting Darryl and sharing a wonderful conversation I crashed.
My friends Darryl & Laura |
The village in the Alps where Laura was born. |
The next morning I awoke excited about our plans for the day. We were planning on going to visit the village where Laura was born and raised. We were a bit late as we reached the station, but we were able to run and catch the train. The views were breathtaking as we made our way from the city into the Alps. Trees painted with the colors of fall blanketed the base of each snow-capped peak. The lakes teemed with blue waves while its banks hosted the quaintest of villages. One of these towns, backed by a rigid cliff, requires its habitants to access it only by boat. I couldn’t snap my camera fast enough to catch each sight as the train hummed toward our destination. We walked out of the station and I stared up at the Alps peering over the valley like the noblest of watchman tirelessly gazing over the towns therein. Laura’s mother, Heidi J arrived and after a quick stop in at her apartment we began the journey to Weisstannen, Laura’s childhood home. The road was long and winding; we crossed rivers and passed sheer cliffs that created scenes no artist could capture. By the time we reached the tiny village I was ready to go explore! We first stopped in for some coffee and conversation at the home of dear family friends and even though I understood very little to none of the Swiss-German conversation it was extremely pleasant. It was then off on a hike out of the village and into the Alps. It was brisk and cloudy as we trampled the path through the most scenic of landscapes. I stopped every few minutes to try and capture the beauty. Laura at one point asked me if I was exaggerating my awe, wondering if I had been so expressive in every country I had visited. I explained that though many of the other places were truly beautiful, very few things captured my eye the way these snow covered mountains, dotted by log cabins, and surrounded by autumn kissed trees did. As I walked I wondered how I could describe what I was seeing for the readers of this blog, and I was left a bit speechless for once.
We arrived back to
the vehicle right around dusk, but the day was far from over. Our evening
was to continue with a Swiss tradition. I had never tried fondue before, and in
my mind there was no better place for a first taste than Switzerland. Laura,
Darryl and I together with her mother and her boyfriend sat around the table
dipping our bread into the tasty melted cheese. The smell of fondue isn’t the
most pleasant, but my stomach was full as the evening drew to a close and we
made our way back to Zurich. I still can’t think of a better way to spend a day
than with great friends, beautiful views, and great food.
I slept a bit too
late the next morning, but still made it to the station in time for my train.
It was time to leave Switzerland and go on an eight-hour train ride through
France and Luxembourg to reach Belgium. I was to stay with Vincent and
Priscilla my new friends I had met in Italia, at the conference in Caserta. It
was so great to see and spend time with them again. They welcomed me like an
old friend and made me feel completely at home. Our conversation was engaging
as we talked late into the night. I was to speak at their church the following
night and I knew it was going to be something special. I rested really well
that night and woke in time for brunch. We spent the afternoon working on
translating a song from English to Italian. Vincent did a majority of the work,
I helped with a few small things, and we ended up with a beautiful version of
the worship song “Waiting Here For You” (Written by Chris Tomlin and Martin
Smith). Before heading to the church that evening we visited a small yet very
intriguing town. Binge (pronounced Baunge or something close to that in French)
is very old and also very spiritually dry. Vincent was born there and wanted to
show me a traditional Belgian town. So we walked the cobblestone streets to the
old city wall talking a bit about its history and current state.
It was late by the
time I made into London. My goal was to get the tube to Watford my friend Jason
had invited me to crash at his flat there for the night. I would have to get up
at 5:30AM to catch the bus to London-Heathrow so after chatting a bit I slept.
My trip was coming to a close and it was
becoming a bit clearer even in the fog that covered London that morning. I ate
breakfast, bought a few souvenirs, and made my way toward my gate. It was time
for the nine-hour trip back to Dallas and home. I would say bittersweet is the
best way to put it. So much had been experienced, so many memories made, and
even more amazing people had affected my life. It was all a bit surreal as we
finally touched down at DFW, but I was home and it was good. I don’t have words
to sum it all up yet, but I know they will come. I didn’t want to come back the
same, and the good news is I don’t feel the same. A work has begun and I know
He “will be faithful to complete it”!
Homeward bound. |