Well this is bittersweet. Looking over the past 14 days in this wonderful country I can't help but stop and think about how great this journey has been. Yes, this is my last post from Zambia. I am sad to go, but not terribly because I truly believe I will be back, though i'm not sure when. Tonight I write from Lusaka, we are spending the night at "Flying Mission Zambia" and it has been delightful so far. But let me stop and glance back over the past two days at our time in Livingstone. I know I promised a post much sooner, but this is all I can do. This recap will be a reminder to me as well of our amazing experiences.

Our first day of activities in Livingstone took us to the beautiful Victoria Falls. It is one of the seven natural wonders of the world, and it was definitely a sight to see. It is the dry season here in Zambia which seriously depletes the amount of water that comes over the falls. But the depth of the gorge was another wonder altogether, especially when you crawl to the edge and look over! Yeah, I might have gotten a light scolding from our tour guide, but it was still exhilarating. After the tour of the top we hit the trail toward the banks of the Zambezi River. The spot we went to was called the "Boiling Pot" which is where the water comes dashing down through rapids, swirling into dangerous whirlpools that would demand the demise of even the best of swimmers. So of course we went and walked on the edges of it.
Peaking over the edge of the gorge |
I climbed the rocks by the water to get a better view of the rapids and the shear power pouring through the channel. As I was climbing I realized that during the rainy season the very place I was scaling would be completely submerged in the swirling waters of the great Zambezi. I watched the river, with its decisive direction, only deterred by the few well grounded rocks that demanded its surrender. Even now it makes me think of life here in Zambia where it seems as though the effects of generations of compromise, or down right selfishness, have set in motion a great consequence that demands the lives of many each day. My prayer is that we would be as those rocks, standing strong in the way, uncompromising in our foundation, and with the very power of Christ changing the direction of an almost certain demise. The truth is the same can be said of any place we live, perhaps the raw reality isn't as apparent in small town USA, but the need for those who are willing to stand up and stand out is absolutely there. We are called to be rocks in the Zambezi of this world, to not be "conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, But be transformed by the renewing of your mind". Maybe thats just for me, but then again maybe not :)
On the banks of the Zambezi (Also please note there was apparently time travel involved on our hike) |
Our last day of tourism was one for the books. Though I wasn't entirely thrilled to wake up with the sun, I knew what was in store for the day would be something i would never forget. Our activity for the morning was to go on a "Lion Enounter". Which simply means I had the amazing opportunity to walk with, pet, and even hug, thats right put my arm around and HUG. A. LION!!!! It was one of the most incredible things i've ever had the opportunity to do, and I would absolutely recommend anyone, who has an opportunity, to do it as well. I'll be completely honest, afterward I had no desire to do or see anything else. Nothing else could compare! This most definitely was a great period, or comma, to my time here in Zambia. The country is beautiful as I have overstated in these posts, but the greatest thing is its people. Their smiles, their laughter, their incredible songs of worship. I love them!

Here now is one last shout out to our team! Each one deserves to be mentioned by name. While I might have done a few things that made her uneasy, our fearless leader (my sister) Hannah kept the vision, and worked behind the scenes to make this a great trip. Justin, co-leader and king of "Writing Big Words". Linda, my mother, willing to step out, hearing God's call and speaking truth. Keith, fully believing that this trip would be the catalyst of change in his life that he would look back and recognize in months and years to come, boldly speaking the words put on his heart by the Holy Spirit. Tiffany, willing to love, work, and play and find that she is changed perhaps more than she even anticipated, from this trip. Crystal, when challenged she did not shy away, but poured out love on each child she encountered (as well as sharing with us her healthy knowledge of all things medical. There is so much I didn't know before this trip). Rachel, allowing herself to be used/stretched in areas of ministry, she boldly took on the task. Craig... where do I start. He's an unending source of energy, joy, love and excitement (I can only imagine what he was like in his 20's, though we were reminded often, haha) Heather, maybe quiet, but observant and even a bit surprising at times, overall willing to serve and give (all good things)! And last but not least, Brookllyn. The youngest, and the one who laughs the most (you can fact check me on this, but i'm pretty sure she wakes up laughing, and laughs herself to sleep) She's also the one who was willing to do what it takes to finish the task. I am super impressed by her heart and i'm excited to see how the Lord continues to use her. I would be remiss if I didn't mention our bus driver Edward, and excellent man, full of joy and faithful to care for our team at all times.
This is a great team, and I am so blessed to be a part of it. Each one different, but each one important to the big picture, His glory, His fame!
So with that we close this chapter. I can't end this post without thanking all those who are continually supporting us with your prayers. We have been sooo blessed to remain healthy, and also protected from any injury, so thank you VERY much!!
That is it from Zambia, but please stay tuned because a new adventure begins for me within the next couple days, as I visit beautiful Europe and experience different cultures, foods, and, of course my favorite, people.
The Zambitious team!!! |